Chinook Animation Productions Ltd. specializes in animation voice production and related services.
For the last 20 years, Chinook Animation, a Calgary-based company, has provided high quality animation voice productions for the world market.

Unlike many other voice production companies, Chinook Animation provides more comprehensive Use Rights for, you, the Copyright Owner.
Production Quality.
Chinook produces animation voices for use on domestic and international television and for all other broadcast platforms. These productions are seen on Cartoon Network USA and UK, YTV, BBC, French and German television and Warner Bros. Home Video releases. In a very competitive industry, Chinook has succeeded in producing English versions for over 3000 episodes of television series, specials, and video games. We are dedicated to developing and promoting new voice talent in Alberta while creating high quality, cost effective animation productions. We feel this is an exciting and interesting opportunity for all Albertans.
Producers in Los Angeles, London, Paris, Berlin, and Tokyo now recognize the talent available in Alberta. It is our goal to assist Alberta performers to benefit from the opportunities available to them in the industry.

Chinook Animation Productions Ltd. specializes in all aspects
of voice production and can also provide full post-production
services for television, video and game product.

Recording Systems:
Because we use digital systems that are state of the art, the
quality is immensely superior to older digital systems still
in use at many other production facilities.
Chinook creates voice recordings with the depth and strength
of "classic" voice recording methods; no noise and
without the thin digital sound associated with many other digital
studio systems.
Chinook Animation Productions Ltd. produces the most naturally
produced lip-sync recordings available.